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Church Capital Campaign Examples

Contemporary Catholic Capital Campaign Materials for St. Therese

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Established in 1950, St. Therese Parish is a Catholic church and school located in Kansas City, MO. They've grown from a small congregation of 75 people to a parish of over 3,000 families. Standing on the shoulders of generations of parishioners, St. Therese needed a plan to take their

parish to the next level. Therefore, we helped them embark on a 2-year capital campaign journey. And they aimed to raise 6 million dollars to essentially retire their debt and boost the school's endowment and cash reserves. 

St. Therese has a beautiful parish, with generational growth dating back to 1950. To create their capital campaign materials, we drew inspiration from their legacy and block/angular architecture. Moreover, we aimed to highlight the building's beauty and understated elegance. Overall, this design concept connected with top donors and the wide age range of their community.  Here's how it turned out...

8 Examples of Clean & Clear Capital Campaign Marketing Materials 

Catholic Capital Campaign Themes, logo for marketing materials for stewardship fundraising design by Abstract Union
Logo for Capital Campaign Communications- We portrayed the wonder of "Possibilities" with flowing typography. Also, the capital campaign theme is refined with curved triangular trim and rose gold beautifying effects.
capital campaign color palette for elegant modern church fundraising
Color Palette for Capital Campaign Fundraising- To balance with contemporary design elements, the campaign colors remain grounded and aligned with hues found within our client's stained glass and school uniforms. This included bold base colors, a neutral grey, and a traditional off-white as a palette for the rose gold detail.
Example of catholic case statement brochure for capital campaign fundraising, building campaign, and stewardship materials design by Abstract Union
Case Statement Booklet for Catholic Church- Placing the church on the cover gave the best context to the "See The Possibilities" theme, as the badge logo adorns the entryway. Also, the subtle ornate arrow trim ushers readers through the content using high contrast and frame-like spreads.
Capital campaign packet envelope examples, ideas for capital campaign fundraising for church design by abstract union
Church Capital Campaign Packet Envelopes- The essentials of our client's capital campaign strategy we placed in this packaged envelope and mailed to parishioners. Correlating concepts for the booklet, pledge card, and return envelope aided engagement. Uniquely crafted to inspire giving, the sequence of design detailed and signaled the significance of the giving opportunity.
modern commitment card for catholic church capital fundraising materials  design examples
Pledge Cards & Return Envelopes for Church Fundraising- We designed a compressive 2-sided card design around St.Therese's unique language for commitment. The matching return envelope was to assure that hundreds of pledges would be mailed to the correct address.
Letterhead and envelope for catholic case statement design, capital campaign materials design ideas
Letterhead & Envelope Sets for Church Capital Fundraising- This straightforward design supported the content from the Pastor or Bishop, as a series of official statements, notifications, or updates would be distributed over the course of the 2-years. The professional look and feel distinguished their content with the identifying design elements of the capital campaign.
retractable banner design for catholic church capital campaign materials for capital building fundraising
Church Capital Campaign Roll Banners- To keep the focus of the campaign top-of-mind, a series of retractable banners were placed throughout the parish. Optionally, these portable banners can be used as a marker for a campaign help desk during fellowship hours. The design was kept simple and consistent to highlight the Bible verse supporting the capital campaign.

Posted On
August 25, 2024
Church Capital Campaign Examples
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